Online Module Package 2


This package deal contains three of our Deer Steward online modules, including:

  1. Aging Deer – this course has 12 topics including aging bucks on the hoof, jawbone aging, ground-truthing bucks, estimating deer age with cementum annuli, and more.  It includes 7 articles and 5 videos.
  2. Antlers – this course has 11 topics including information on how antlers grow, why deer have antlers, culling, reasons for abnormal antlers, and more.  It includes 9 articles and 2 videos.
  3. Deer Home Range and Movement Patterns – this course has 10 topics including information on home range size by sex and age, how the moon affects deer movement, hunting strategies for bucks with split home ranges, current research on mature buck movements, and more.  It includes 8 articles and 2 videos.
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